Monday, June 30, 2008

I'm a Sticker!

Look! I'm so cute! My friend J bought it for me, and I don't think I've ever been more flattered.

I'm back at work today, sadly. Actually, it's not that bad. It's better than being stuck at home with Pee Cat. He has crystals in his urine and is continuing to pee all over my house despite dietary changes that SHOULD HAVE HELPED BY NOW.

Enough about him.

The Boy and I had a fairly uneventful but very pleasant week at home. We had initially planned to spend several days at a cottage on Lake Erie, but we canceled at the last minute because of (among other things) terrible weather and an E-coli warning very near what would have been our beach. I'm not much of a girly-girl, really, but the threat of E-coli freaks me the hell out.

So we stayed at home and did boring things like take Pee Cat to the vet, tidy up the basement, and empty the garbage bag of stuff The Boy brought home from his desk and locker at school. We also did fun things like bake bread (baguettes), ride bikes, and see movies. We picked a rainy day (which wasn't difficult--there were many) and went to two matinees in one afternoon: The Incredible Hulk (almost good, but a little on the meh side because of some absolute stupidity) and Get Smart (cute and way less dumb than I had expected--I never liked the TV show [or the Inspector Gadget cartoon] and was pleased that this was a much different set-up).

The Boy spent the weekend at his dad's which meant that I finally had several silent hours with books. I read Garden Spells (recommended by Babel Babe) which took me a bit to get into but which I ultimately liked a lot and Mistress of the Sun, the new novel by Sandra Gulland whose books about Josephine B. I loved so much. My only complaint about the new book is that it isn't a trilogy like its predecessors--it's already over.


And now, a tizzy: My landlord just called to ask whether I'd be interested in buying my apartment. Yikes!

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