Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"If Bobby doesn't love football, he won't lead a fulfilling life, and then he'll die." --Hank Hill

Yes, I have to worry about a woman-hating QB1 who's suspended for at least the first four games, but . . . I don't care! I've thought a lot about it, and I'm not dumping the team for the one bad apple (who I admit is trying to clean up his act), and I'm going to enjoy the hell out of this season. The Boy retired from his travel-league soccer team and will only ref on Saturdays, which means that months of beautiful Sundays are stretching out before us. Here we go!

School starts Thursday, although The Boy has been going every day this week for soccer practice, so he's already kind of getting back into the swing of things. He's been taking a city bus and getting himself there; I don't have to spend my lunch hour driving around, which makes me grateful for the kid's growing independence. He's due for a little more independence, as he's about to start eighth grade! It's his last year in Middle School, and his tenth year at his school--he's been there since Kindergarten Readiness--and . . . this line of thought leads to high school and college and my baby being a man, and I'm not ready to think about that kind of independence.

So: I am ready for some football, but not ready to accept that my kid will be in high school next year.

That is all.


Badger said...

Dude! My kid started high school TODAY, and all summer long I was thinking, "Four years from now we'll be buying dorm supplies." GAH! I am sort of in denial.

(TWO years from now he'll be driving HIMSELF to school at ridiculous-thirty for before-school band, instead of me driving him. EGAD.)

Anonymous said...

The Boy just asked me last night what we'd do when he could drive. I said, "You mean about a car?" Of course that's what he meant. I told him he could have his own car when he had a job that would pay for gas and insurance. "Oh."

Yeah, that's what I thought.

I'm in denial about a lot of things, but the fact that my son is going to be living under someone else's roof in five years is probably the biggest one.