Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Good News and Bad News

First the bad news: I am at home, weathering the perfect storm of stomach, anxiety, and menstrual issues. I will be fine, and am hoping to be able to go into work this afternoon, but for now I am sticking near the bathroom.

The good news, however, is really good . . . at least if you're a Jasper Fforde fan. I picked up the audiobook for The Fourth Bear, just because it caught my eye at the library, and listening to it made me wonder what Fforde is up to. According to his website, we can look forward to a new book next summer, Shades of Grey, which is neither a Thursday Next book NOR a Nursery Crime book! It looks like we're going to get a whole new Fforde universe!

But wait--there's more! From the website:

"If you want to know what's happening after that, it will either be the sixth in the Thursday Next series One of Our Thursdays is Missing or the third in the NCD trilogy, entitled The Last Great Tortoise Race."

How's THAT for good news?

And now I'm off to sip Coke and nibble on an English muffin.

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