Friday, February 12, 2010

Teach Your Children Well

As a proud feminist since I learned such a thing existed, even going so far as to have earned an undergraduate certificate in Women's Studies, I am extremely gratified to announce that The Boy passes all gender awareness/sexism exams with flying colors. He recently observed while watching idiots on TV attempt all manner of Hilarious Schemes in hopes of wooing a pretty girl, "They must not know girls aren't people," and while watching the latest deluge of Barbie's "I Can Be Anything" campaign ads, "Yes, as long as it's a teacher, nurse, or secretary--or something else that involves little kids." I know it should be a no-brainer, but I can't tell you how proud it makes me to see that he's noticed my bitter feminist sarcasm all this time, and that he seems to have absorbed it!

Thus concludes my patting myself on the back.

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