Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Vacation: All I Ever Wanted

The Boy is on Spring Break all this week and next, and I've managed to only have to work for a total of three days up until Easter, so life is pretty spectacular. I've done lots of good housework, finished The Children's Book* and read Palace Circle**, bought some storage things from The Container Store that I think are going to really help my kitchen issues, knitted one spring scarf and started another, watched New Moon (1,000 times better than the book, which I hate so very passionately)***, saw Alice in Wonderland**** (which I enjoyed enormously--this was going to make it or break it with me and Tim Burton, and he's safe for now) and . . . I guess that's it.

Oh wait--no it's not: I bought some books today! I bought three books which include six of the Betsy-Tacy novels (I hadn't heard of these books until some internet people raved about them, and when I saw them all together today I scooped them up. I'm about 100 pages into the first one, and it's wonderful. I have no idea why these weren't in my school library when I was a kid, but they're the kind of books I'd have slept with.) I also bought the new Christopher Moore and a remaindered copy of The Lace Reader. It's a good thing Barnes & Noble doesn't provide shopping carts, because I was in a buying mood.

Sorry for all the footnotes, but my brain refuses to get organized . . . I'm in too much of a hurry to get back to Betsy!


*Brilliant, dark, serious, interesting, funny. Byatt just rocks. She's brilliant. She tells stories within stories, makes me love and worry about her characters--all of whom are real and vital and flawed--and in this novel she looks hard at priorities and responsibilities, and . . . it's a very disturbing. But in a good way.

**Set in the same time period as TCB, but so much lighter and fluffier in comparison it practically floated. But fun and enjoyable, and recommended for a quick read.

***The boy who plays Jacob freaks me out, because he has the manly body, but a kid's face and voice, and I feel dirty when I can't help but admire that torso. Also freaky: His teeth are so white they're blue. Ew.

****We went to the 3-D IMAX version, because that was the one about the start when we got to the theater. I'd never seen a movie in this format, because I was afraid it would make me puke or give me a headache or both. It *did* give me a headache, but not until I took off my glasses at the end. No nausea at all, which was a relief. That said, though, neither the 3-D nor the IMAX did anything at all to enhance the story. Totally, utterly POINTLESS.

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