Friday, October 1, 2010

Random Rocktober

October may be my favorite month of the year, despite the reality of my public radio job and October Pledge Drives.

I miss high school football Fridays. The Boy's school doesn't have a football team (it was in fact an all-girls school until the 1980s), and I just don't feel a part of any of the other schools' teams, so we don't go to games on Friday nights. I admit that if I still lived in my home town, I'd probably go.

The Boy is coming home from a four-day school trip to DC, where they braved the weather and walked all over the place, enjoyed the Air & Space Museum and the Smithsonian, and went to the Holocaust Museum. The Boy had done everything on the trip already, since we have relatives very nearby in Maryland, but I hadn't taken him to the Holocaust Museum before because I thought he was too young to have to go through that up to this point. The 8th graders at his school spend a lot of Social Studies time on WWII and the Holocaust, though, so this was a great way for them to start off. I'm interested to hear what he thought about it--especially since he's close friends with lots of Jewish kids.

I had a Holocaust . . . thing . . . that started before I was in 8th grade, and before I'd seen anything like the Holocaust Museum (it all pretty much started with Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself), and I didn't know a single Jewish person until I went to college!

Anyway, I've missed The Boy this week, and I can't wait to see him this evening. We're having pizza with his dad so we can hear all about the trip, and I can't think of a better way to spend my evening.

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