Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Practically Perfect in Every Way (No, Not ME.)

You know how there are some writers you just like spending time with, no matter what they're writing about? Well, Jennifer Niesslein--co-editor of Brain, Child magazine--is like that for me. She's the kind of writer who makes you feel like she's just hanging out to talk to you, and that she's glad you're in on the conversation.

She's written a book called Practically Perfect in Every Way, which is her account of the time she spent follwing the advice of all the major self-help gurus in an attept to become, well, practically perfect in every way. I read the book last year, because I couldn't pass up her writing or that title, and it didn't disappoint. Much of the book is very funny, but the best parts come when Niesslein looks at herself and her life with her family and wonders just what perfect is, and who gets to decide that.

If you've ever thought you or your life needed improving--especially if you've found yourself standing sheepishly in the Self Help section of the bookstore, hoping against your better instincts that a book could help you along--you'll appreciate Niesslein's book.

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