Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Walk With Me

I've been riding my bike anytime I need to go somewhere locally (and just for fun), but the other day really topped it. I packed two empty half-gallon milk bottles into my back pack, rode over to the Food Co-op, traded the bottles for two full ones, picked up some eggs and butter, and then rode home. I feel like I should tie-dye something, or weave something from hemp. But it feels *good* to be an Earth Mama, even while it's vaguely embarrassing.

I've been biking and walking a lot, and it's been very good. Pittsburgh really does have the best city parks in the whole wide world: (In fact, the 2008 International Urban Parks Conference is going to be here this year.) Need proof? Fine: Here are some pictures I took while walking right near the field where The Boy has soccer practice:

Okay, this one isn't in the park, but from the park. Look how hilly Pittsburgh is! How'd you like to live in that house on the end?

This is sort of in the park. I haven't stood on railroad tracks since I was a kid. They still smell of creosote, and it still smells good.

Did I mention this park is in Oakland, the part of the city that comprises the University of Pittsburgh (the building in the background is the Cathedral of Learning, which the [stupid, mean] kids who went to small, private Duquesne University referred to as the Height of Ignorance. Charmed, I'm sure.), Carnegie Mellon University, and 9,000 hospitals? But if you're willing to take just a little walk, you can pretend you're in the woods. I do like Pittsburgh.

Under the Bridge. (Sorry.)

This bridge.

Don't you wish you lived here? And if you already do, aren't you glad?


BabelBabe said...

that house on the end looks like it's about to topple wold make me VERY nervous.

Sarah Louise said...

Yes, very glad I live here.