Tuesday, November 11, 2008

She-Ra: Princess of Power

I may be getting a new couch today, courtesy of my mom's cousin, who's giving it away to make room for a new one. I say "may," because there's a slight chance it's too big to fit through my door. (My brother-in-law is picking it up for me, and he and my sister will take it if it won't fit.)

In preparation for this couch, which is cushier/larger/longer than my current couch (or, perhaps, than any other couch in the history of the world: It's quite a couch, and only a year old. She [Is she my second cousin? Is she a first cousin but once-removed? BB's husband explained that to me once, but now I can't remember]is getting rid of it because she wants DIFFERENT CHAIRS, which won't look right with the couch. Whatever. Her loss.), I moved the living room furniture into the dining room and the dining room furniture into the living room. It's a little dumb, I know, but I figured that we never use the dining room for anything other than as a place for The Boy to do his homework (we almost always eat in the kitchen), so it doesn't matter if it's next to the kitchen. The DR furniture looks really nice in its new room--it fits better, for one thing, and the color of the walls makes the furniture look less shabby. We'll see how it goes with the couch this evening.

By the way, I'm not going to move things back if it doesn't fit: I was sweating, straining, and exhausted last night, moving that furniture all by myself. The Boy was there, but his scrawny 85-pounds and noodly arms render him pretty useless when it comes to moving furniture. He carried lamps and unloaded the china cabinet and offered moral support. (Oh, and between my Trivial Pursuit performance Saturday night and my furniture-moving feat last night, The Boy now thinks I am the smartest and strongest woman in the world. He will probably never again hold me in such high regard as he does now.)

Anyway, the new set-up works fine with my (stupidawfuluglymiserableuncomfortable) current couch, so unless I get really tired of it, or The Boy and his friends sprout some muscles, things will stay where they are whether the new couch fits or not.

Cross your finger for me, though, as the new couch really is comfortable. Nap-tastic, even.

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